Stocks Ideas

How to Calculate Haircut in Stocks Trading ?

Calculate Haircut in Stocks and share trading - Haircut is nothing but the amount that is deducted by the broker when broker is giving you margin on your stocks which is kept as collateral for margin trading. For example, let’s say you have 1000 ...

How to Use Stop-Loss in Stock Trading Marker ?

Stop-loss in Stock Markets - For a beginner in the stock market who wants to understand the concept of stop-loss. Let's see the trading with Stop-loss in the stock market : Stop-loss is a method used by an investor to limit his losses. It works as ...

Why Shouldn’t You Invest all Savings to Stocks ?

Caution raised by many wealth managers and investment gurus regarding stock market bubbles. They have shown concerns on stocks investment and advises the investors not to depend on equity markets for all their savings. A large pool of Indian ...