How To Use & Install mAadhaar Android Apps ?

UIDAI has launched android based apps , mAadhaar, for smartphone to synchronize the Aadhaar data with mobile phones.Any individual with valid Aadhaar number can download the mAadhaar android apps through the Google Play Store. Other version of mAadhaar apps like ios or windows will be available soon.

The main idea behind launching the mAadhaar is to restrict the fake aadhaar apps available on Android Play store. Check out how can you set up this app or mAadhaar apps can be used or how much safe the apps is ?

Read : How To Link PAN Card With Aadhaar For Income Tax e Returns ?

What is mAdhaar Apps ?

The main idea behind mAadhaar is to make sharing of Aadhaar number secured. Android apps will make Aadhaar profile sharing simple, and do it from the smartphone itself. It is more secured as it requires entering password every time someone want to do any action on the app.

How To Bio metric Lock the Aadhaar Sharing Using mAadhaar ?

mAadhaar Android apps enable you to lock your biometrics for Aadhaar. Once a resident enables Biometric Locking system their biometric remains locked till the Aadhaar Holder chose to either Unlock it (which is temporary) or Disable the Locking system.

Once user lock his biometrics, they can’t use these to activate any new service. For instance, if you are setting up a bank account with Aadhaar verification, the biometrics will not work since you have locked them. The best part is apps itself having option to unlock.

This is very useful in quickly let you share your e-KYC or QR code, which has all the data for verification. User can share e-KYC via Bluetooth, email, etc. In order to authenticate the data there is a requirement of password. mAadhaar app also comes with “Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP)” feature that can be used instead of SMS-based OTP.

mAadhaar will help in generating the authenticate and updated request and they will even be able to share QR code and password protected eKYC data to retrieve accurate demographic information from it instead of manual entry.
Read : How Does Aadhaar Pay Merchant Apps Work For Payment ?

How To Install mAadhaar Android Apps ?

  1. Visit the Google Play Store and Search mAadhaar or Click Here
  2. Before downloading confirm that mobile number on the smartphone is the same as the one linked to your Aadhaar card.
  3. This is to remember that the mobile number should be same as you submitted at the time of getting an Aadhaar card. OTP will be sent to same mobile number for verifying and setting up profiles on the Aadhaar mobile app. If that mobile number is not active, then verification won’t work.
  4. After successfully installing the apps, it will ask for Password. This password is required every time you wish to carry out any action on the app.
  5. After you have created the password, the next page prompts you to enter your Aadhaar card data.
  6. Once you do that, a verification code is sent to your registered mobile number and your Aadhaar data gets synced.
  7. The app reads the verification code on its own.

What is Risk in using mAadhaar ?

There is a potential risk in using the mAadhaar apps. If someone steals your mobile, then your Aadhaar data will be potentially at risk. There is no security mentioned by UIDAI through their mAadhaar apps. It’s individual perception to use this Aadhaar apps.

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