Should Corporate Sector Bring Under RTI ?

RTI i.e. Right To Information Act, This is the law which has given strength to the public to get the better idea about the Government functioning. Till now the RTI has given the satisfactory results , still there is a long way to go.

There is a need to bring all the corporate as well as other private entity under RTI.  Currently many of the services which are provided the corporate, still except Banking sector none of the private entity are brought under the RTI

There is nothing wrong in bringing them under RTI because Companies have shareholders’ money as well as investment from institutions. There is nothing wrong if information about them is given? This is very important for the government interest in bringing transparency law.

This is now the voice of coming days to bring Corporate sector and public-private-partnership (PPP) under RTI .  Corporate should also not feel shy of parting with information, it would gradually get used to transparency.

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